Katie Lambert

Katie Lambert

I had the pleasure of working with Katie Lambert shot by talented Miya Tsudome on our recently photoshoot in Bishop.

If you don’t know Katie Lambert already, she’s has crushed big walls around the globe, from Yosemite and Zion to Picos de Europa and the Cirque of the Unclimbables. 

She’s also has over 30 first female ascents—ranging from 5.12a to 5.14 in difficulty—in rock epicenters that include Yosemite National Park, the Owens River Gorge, Pine Creek and Colombia.

(Katie is wearing our Hemp Send Pants in Berry Purple and GaJa Hemp Crop Tank in Off White)

What are passionate about right now outside of climbing?

I'm really interested in food and nutrition and what this means holistically speaking for humans, soil, and environmental health; what this means for life and sustainability. My understanding and my education in the subject all point to local. What is native that is edible or medicinal - from plants to animals to fungi. What is propagated and farmed locally and/or regionally with regenerative practices at the helm? What can I grow, catch, or harvest that will not only feed and nourish me and my family but also the community I work with?

Is there something people don’t know about you that you’d like to share?
I was kind of sickly as a child. I had a lot of ear infections and sinus problems. When I was three years old I went deaf from fluid buildup behind my eardrums. As a result my adenoids were removed. It has been said that it is the reason my voice has stayed so high. I'm not sure. But I do know that I used to have a very hard time breathing out of my nose and was absolutely what one would call a "mouth breather," and now well into adulthood I'm an avid practicer of nasal breathing while doing aerobic work. 

What gets you up in the morning?
The excitement for that cup of coffee is definitely what gets me out of bed.

(Katie is wearing our Hemp Send Pants in Winter Moss)

Katie is also the founder of Sacred Rok and High Sierra Nutritional Wellness.

Through Sacred Rok, Katie facilitate trips in Yosemite for underserved youth, helping them with education nature's way. 

And with High Sierra Nutritional Wellness, Katie works with your bio-individuality to develop personalized health protocols using diet, supplement, and lifestyle suggestions to improve your health and well-being while reducing long-range disease risk.


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